version 0.9.0a

About NIAGADS Open Access

The National Institute on Aging Genetics of Alzheimer's Disease Data Storage Site (NIAGADS) stores and distributes genetics and genomics data from studies on Alzheimer's disease, related dementias, and aging to qualified researchers globally.
NIAGADS Open Access is a collection of files and web-based knowledgebases made available to the public with no data access restrictions. Our application programming interface (API) provides programmatic accesses to these resources, allowing users to integrate our data and annotations into their own analysis pipelines, facilitating investigations at chromosome- and genome-wide scales.
The NIAGADS API uses HTTP requests to access and disseminate data from unrestricted, public NIAGADS knowledgebases. It has predictable resource- and genomic-feature oriented URLs and returns JSON-encoded responses, associated with standard HTTP response codes.